The parent trap
Could sending the criminals to prison be good for their kids?
In a forthcoming paper in the American Economic Review, one of the discipline’s most prestigious journals, three economists conclude that “[p]arental incarceration has beneficial effects on some important outcomes for children.”
• Forthcoming: happening soon
• Discipline: a particular area of study, especially a subject studied at a college or university
Unsurprisingly the study has provoked outrage from keyboard warriors. Some are uncomfortable with the very notion that prison could have anything other than wholly malign effects.
• Parental incarceration: any kind of custodial* confinement of a parent by the criminal justice system, except being held overnight in police cells. Incarceration can refer to confinement in jails or prisons
• Custodial: relating to / requring imprisonment
• malign: causing harm
Others worry that the research, however well intentioned, gives politicians ammunition to double down on punitive penal policy. In reality, though the study has some uncomfortable findings, it should help governments devise better policy.
• Ammunition: 총알 / considerations that can be used to support one's case in debate
• Double down on~: ~한 자기 주장을 밀고 나가다
• Penal: 형사상의 / punity penal policy: 징벌적 처벌 정책
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